Essential oils
- Vegetables oils
- Spices and Vanillia
- Malagasy art
Herbal teas
- Sagebrush, Wormwood, Mugwort
- Aferotany herbal tea
- Centella asiatica, Talapetraka
- Fakatsilo, Dragonfruit (claws)
- Goyavier
- Ravintsara
- Katrafay
- Ravimboafotsy
- Helichryse Helichryse gymnocephalum ( Rambiazina vavy)
- Romba
- Mulberry
- Saro or Mandravasarotra
- Vetiver
- Katrafay
- Periwinkle, Vohenina , roots or upper parts
- Lambohenjana
- Periwinkle upper parts
- Herbal tea Helichryse faradifany (Ahibalala)
- Harungana
- Cacade , hibiscus flower
- Empty Capsules
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- Empty Capsules
- Essential oils
- Herbal teas
- Aferotany herbal tea
- Cacade , hibiscus flower
- Centella asiatica, Talapetraka
- Fakatsilo, Dragonfruit (claws)
- Goyavier
- Harungana
- Helichryse Helichryse gymnocephalum ( Rambiazina vavy)
- Herbal tea Helichryse faradifany (Ahibalala)
- Katrafay
- Katrafay
- Lambohenjana
- Mulberry
- Periwinkle upper parts
- Periwinkle, Vohenina , roots or upper parts
- Ravimboafotsy
- Ravintsara
- Romba
- Sagebrush, Wormwood, Mugwort
- Saro or Mandravasarotra
- Vetiver
- Malagasy art
- Spices and Vanillia
- Vegetables oils
- Arom&Sens en images
Vegetables oils
Oral transmission of ancestral knowledge and their benefits have been verified by our partner laboratories. These natural vegetable oils can be used as support for essential oils and are also suitable for your personal preparations. Our vegetable oils are 100% cold pressed.
Vegetables oils
There are 7 products.
Showing 1-7 of 7 item(s)
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