Essential oils
- Vegetables oils
- Spices and Vanillia
- Malagasy art
Herbal teas
- Sagebrush, Wormwood, Mugwort
- Aferotany herbal tea
- Centella asiatica, Talapetraka
- Fakatsilo, Dragonfruit (claws)
- Goyavier
- Ravintsara
- Katrafay
- Ravimboafotsy
- Helichryse Helichryse gymnocephalum ( Rambiazina vavy)
- Romba
- Mulberry
- Saro or Mandravasarotra
- Vetiver
- Katrafay
- Periwinkle, Vohenina , roots or upper parts
- Lambohenjana
- Periwinkle upper parts
- Herbal tea Helichryse faradifany (Ahibalala)
- Harungana
- Cacade , hibiscus flower
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- Empty Capsules
- Essential oils
- Herbal teas
- Aferotany herbal tea
- Cacade , hibiscus flower
- Centella asiatica, Talapetraka
- Fakatsilo, Dragonfruit (claws)
- Goyavier
- Harungana
- Helichryse Helichryse gymnocephalum ( Rambiazina vavy)
- Herbal tea Helichryse faradifany (Ahibalala)
- Katrafay
- Katrafay
- Lambohenjana
- Mulberry
- Periwinkle upper parts
- Periwinkle, Vohenina , roots or upper parts
- Ravimboafotsy
- Ravintsara
- Romba
- Sagebrush, Wormwood, Mugwort
- Saro or Mandravasarotra
- Vetiver
- Malagasy art
- Spices and Vanillia
- Vegetables oils
- Arom&Sens en images
Calophyllum oil
The oral transmission of ancestral knowledge and its benefits have been verified by our partner laboratories. Our vegetable oils are made 100% by first cold pressing.
They can be used to support our essential oils and are also suitable for your personal preparations.
Calophyllum oil
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